The perfect tonearm match to the Oracle Paris MKII

I own a Oracle Paris a very nice looking and sounding table, the arm is a Jelco/Audioquest SA 250ST, wired with a audioquest quartz, in a typicall Linn armboard, I like the sound however I think a better arm like the Linn Ekos could be a better match to the Paris, or a sme V if the table as a sme armboard. However maybe I have conseidere another options. Opinions please?
Dear Raul, I contact Oracle aboult the armboard to my Oracle Paris, and since my armborad is a mdf part, en aLinn configuration, they inform me that if I pretend to install a sme arm , I need to order at Oracle a Sme armbord. I think I'm gonna order the armboard, I think is the best match to my beautiful Oracle, are agree?
Aboult my future ASR Basis Exclusive phonosatge, I hope and think this is one of the best phonos actually, so a cartrige like the top Dynavector it will be a perfect partner, but is expensive in Portugal aboult 4600€, so I have to wait, I need the Sme V arm and a SME armboard, and a good phono cable, I think in the Townshend Audio Isolda cable the Isolda DCT Tonearm cable, did you new this cable?
Thanks again, and regards
Dear Jacob: Good " move ". Yes, the ASR is a good unit and nó I never heard that tonearm cable.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I already order the SME armboard at Oracle, I order too the SME V, and Townshend audio Isolda DCT tonearm cable, to substitue the original SME V tonearm cable, the Latest Van Den Hul MCS 150 wire with, cames with the SME.