How to properly isolate a turntable?

When I hook up my turntable and drop the needle I get some very bad cone movement , this happens also when there is a lot of bass and drums. I would like to know how to properly isolate a turntable to avoid rumble. How can this be done without moving the turntable away from the speakers? Any suggestions?
Help us help you...Decapg. Is your set up still like the system pictures you have up? If so, a wall rack and platform will do wonders in most cases. A really brilliant platform is the Neuance and it is realitvely cheap as Hifi gear goes. If your interested, read my thread.

Happy Listening!
I have a rega p3 I cannot put the turntable far from my speakers so now it sits on a wooden floor with a carpet. Underneath the table I put a couple of granite tiles its a little better but for some reason i'm getting more rumble from the right side than the left, any other suggestions?
forgot to mention the rumble happens mostly and mainly on the first track of a vinyl then it goes away slowly....