Cartridge for Graham 1.5

Currently I use a Benz LO4 or Shelter 501 with the Graham on a Orbe TT. I would like to hear what others believe to be the best match for this arm at reasonalbe cost ie less than 2K.

The rest of the system is DIY fet-Loesch preamp with plenty of gain, Berning EA-230 and Quad original ESL's.
I found the Jubilee is very sensitive to small changes of all setup parameters - azimuth, VTA, VTF and antiskate all have to be carefully adjusted. It'll sound very nice with moderate care - but it will take a fair bit of experimentation to optimise things (this is probably true of most fine cartridges).
Start with VTA parallel - you probably won't deviate much but soundstage/focus/coherence will lock in when it's right. Soundstage size, clarity and focus should blitz the 501 if my experience the CJ is anything to go by.
I usally tweak VTA on a per record basis - definitely if there is a change of vinyl weight.
The cartridge will still sound fine if you set and forget VTA (it's difficult to make it sound bad), but you will cheat yourself of the excellence of which it is capable.
Good luck!
The Helikon is a superb design.I have heard it on many occassions,in a wonderful system.The owner is a fanatical collector of vinyl,and it easily satisfied him,as well as myself and others.
He has moved to the Titan but the Helicon is not all that "embarassed" by the superior performance.
Well hopefully I can get it close. I don't usually fool with settings after I'm happy. I don't relish the thought of changing vta for every record although its nice to know changes will mean something. I should get the Jubilee Tuesday and start playing with it.

Thanks ever so much to all!

I have installed the Jubilee on the Graham 1.5. The size and weight of the Jubilee is much different than the Shelter 501 II. I had to add the extra balance weight and raise the arm. I am loading the Jubilee at 100 ohms and have played with the azimuth and VTA. I think I am close and used the Hi Fid test record to check things. Tracking is very good. I think the bass is more dynamic and quicker, very noticable and the VTA really was important here. The mids (vocals) have lost a bit of sugar (less lush) and the treble has a more detail but not at all harsh. For me it’s a better overall balance from top to bottom and the speed gives me goosebumps. I liked the Shelter but I am real happy with the Jubilee and believe it’s a very good match with the Graham.
I actually preferred the Helikon to the Titan i which I replaced after 2 weeks with the ZYX Universe.
This cartridge is in a league of its own!