Help with isolation for Linn LP12 on wood floor


Thanks again to all members with their help with my previous hum issue. Now this system "Tubes that rock" is almost there! I moved the Turntable from the right side to the left side of the wall unit and it seems to be more acceptable to vibration and skips when someone walks by. I am not getting feedback while playing but I think it would sound better with some type of isolation device or isolation shelf etc. Unfortunately I know nothing about them. Suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks to all for your invaluable help
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I used to have a Target wall shelf for my Linn. I found that it was better than floor mounting in order to avoid footstep vibrations. However, it depended on the wall. I found exterior walls to be better than interior, partition walls. With some walls, it was no better than having the table on the floor.
I used a wall mount on a previous system and its definately the best solution, but in this installation it must sit on the shelf in the wall unit see picture "tubes that rock" There is a pocket door behind wall unit so I can not do a wall shelf.
If you are on the ground floor, and there is a crawl space below your listening area, you may want to try reinforcing the floor joists directly under your turntable stand using blocks and wood shims between the bottom of the joists and the ground. This worked well for my LP12 in one off-grade house where I used to live.

A wall-mount may not work very well on an interior wall since interior wall frames are simply nailed to the sub-floor with no building foundation directly below as is the case with exterior walls.
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Oh mercy - you poor people with wooden houses... I feel for you - really I do... Here in South Africa it is against the law to build a wooden structure in town. All residential housing must be from brick and concrete...