Audio Technica AT33 PTG or AT33R

Anyone here have any experience with either of these cartridges? I am shopping for a MC cart to use with my VPI HW 19 IV/SME 309/Azur 640p setup and would appreciate any feedback, positive or negative, on these cartridges. I have done a web search but have not found much info on this line of cartridge. Thanks in advance.
not familiar with those specific models (models var from country to country, but over the last five years i have purchased two AT cartridges that play well over their retail price....smooth, dynamic, great bass.
I just purchased the AT33PTG while I was in Tokyo. This is "The" cartridge the Japanese Audiophiles prefer according to every audio store I was in. It outsells the top Denons by a wide margin and is more expensive.

I just put it on my Thorens with rega 700 arm, so I will let you know after it breaks in. So far it is very good right out of the box, and I like it better in the bass than my Sumiko Blue Point Special EVOIII.
Hi Hififile, have you tried the Denon DL103 prior to purchasing the AT 33PTG? Any idea whether the 33PTG will shine with a low-end phonostage?
The 33PTG is a fine cartridge - maybe just a bit toward the darker side of neutrality, but with a generous bottom end, and capable of extracting a lot more information out of the grooves than the DL103, for example. That said, the 103 is an amazing cartridge for the money and has to be one of the most consistently musical cartridges ever made (especially if your tastes lean away from classical as the cart falls short on unraveling complexity and on dynamic scaling). That said, the 33PTG is only $150-200 more than the plain 103, so it's well worth exploring.

IMO, spend your money on a good phono stage first, and worry about the cartridge second...

Thanks for the sound advice Richard. It was helpful. I have read about the importance of phonostage and was urged by one of my friend to get a better one first before I look at a higher-end cartridges. Seems like the phonostage is the way to go before I upgrade to the 33PTG.