Male DIN plug on cable cooker phono adapter

I have encountered a problem using the adapter for cooking the tonearm cable and phono cable on the Audiodharma cable cooker 2.5. The pins on the male DIN plug are of much smaller diameter than those on the cartridge. In order to create a solid contact, I have to squeeze down the diameter of the cartridge leads to fit onto and make solid contact with the pins on the DIN plug. Then I have to open them up again to reattach them to the cartridge pins (a difficult task I've found). It occurred to me that after I do that several times or less, the cartridge leads will break and have to be replaced -- a huge pain, especially for someone like me who is decided unhandy with a soldering iron.

Has anyone with a cable cooker encountered this problem and found a solution? Does anyone know whether anyone makes or would custom make a male DIN plug with pins the size of the pins on a phono cartridge?

Thanks, for any suggestions.

Ag insider logo xs@2xcipherjuris

Thanks, I think you'ver got something there. It sounds like you're talking about a DIN adapter plug that is female on both sides. I have not seen one like that, but that should work quite well. I'd be delighted to buy yours.

In fact, I would not need the extra cable. I could just plug one female end of the DIN adapter into the DIN on the cooker's adapter cable and insert the cartridge leads onto the brass wires soldered to the other end.

That would be a very simple solution.



I also have an AudioDharma cable cooker and I have used the phono cartridge adapter. I had the same concerns as you regarding the DIN male pins being smaller in outer diameter than the inner diameter of the cartridge clips. I phoned Alan Kaftan, the manufacturer, and had a long chat with him. He said the loose fit is not a problem. The key is to use the velcro fastener to secure the DIN cable to the armwand so that it can not move. Then slip the cartridge clips over the male DIN pins. All the DIN pin needs to do is just touch the cartridge clip at one point. I know it sounds crazy, and it is not the way I would design it, however, it does work.

You could also put silver contact enhancer on the male DIN pins to get a better connection, but it really is not necessary.

Cooking the phono cables made a big difference in my system. Hope it does the same in yours.
Ed, no my connector is just like the ones Cardas and van den Hul offer (except it's straight, not rt angle.) It's for making a DIY tonearm cable.

Why doesn't Audiodharma just make an adaptor that has four colored wire pigtails that the cartridge clips attach to instead of a cartridge. Seems easy enough and a lot of people probably want to do the whole shebang at one time like you and Rgordon. Ask them.
Thanks for the tips, guys.

I've been discussing the issue with Colleen Cardas. My idea is to have Cardas make a DIN adapter that is female on one end and on the other has 4 copper wires of the same diameter as cartridge pins. We'll see if she agrees to do it, and I will let you know the outcome on this thread, of course.

