DJ Cartridges - have you tried it?

Hi there,

I browsed some DJ cartridges yesterday. They look real appealing and the price aint bad either. What do you think of the infamous DJ cartridge? Good or bad or should it be banned? I want to buy a cheapie just to see how it performs... something like an Ortofon Concord...

I've been an audiophile playing vinyl only on my hi-fi and a DJ for 20 years so maybe my experience with vinyl playback will help. If you aren't satisfied with the Whitelabel and you want some cartridge flexability you may want to think of picking up an Ortofon OM10 cart and mount it to a ZYX Live! or Sumiko headshell, if your using a TT that uses the 1/4" headshell. You can upgrade the tip on that cart all the way up to an OM40 tip for higher fidelity playback which has a Fritz-Geiger stylus or swap it for an Ortofon DJ tip and reset the tracking force for a night behind the 1's and 2's. The FG is a slimmer profile cut tip and will track the groove like a train on tracks and at much less force which will save your record collection and sounds worlds better than the DJ tips. That tip tracks the top-end like nothing in it's price range(I see it used in up to $1000 and beyond carts for Hi-fi) and the music will breath with more life(dynamics + detail)when set up properly in a headshell with all the perameters that a turntable must be setup correctly. It will yield a surprisingly high quality playback for not braking the bank, I know because that was one of my first carts that I used. You can't set all the parameters needed to get the stylus to sit in the groove correct with the Concorde style carts but they're quick setup and sexy looking none the less.

The Shure is sounding better by the day. To be honest - it already sounds better than my Sumiko Pearl...

I found this thread while searching for information about another cartridge.

I know a lot of you will roll your eyes but a DJ Cartridge can make good music in a non club environment. At least it did for me. I have tried a Technics EPC-U1200 DJ cartridge that I got from Japan and paired it up with a re-built Technics 1200 Mk 2. The phono preamp I was using was the phono section of an Accuphase C200. With all sorts of rock, alternative and electronic music I tried with the EPC-U1200 it all sounded really good. I would say I got 80% of the sonic performance of a Denon DL-110 cart for under $40. YMMV but with my system the Technics DJ cart wasn't bad at all.
In most analog systems you won't hear a big difference anyway. They are great for the majority of listeners who do not care.