How much better is the Scoutmaster vs. Scout?

Is it a subtle improvement, or a big one. I'd probably opt for the ring clamp to go along with the Scoutmaster.
by the time you pay for a vpi scoutmaster, you have lots of table/arm combos which will probably better it. that said, if you don't have a huge vinyl collection, don't spend the money, and get a scout/rega/marantz/etc or go used. the vinyl reissues are getting worse by the day.
I have owned both the Scout and the Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster outshines the Scout in bass slam and detail retrieval. I currently own the Scoutmaster with ring clamp and HRX center weight. If you can afford the clamp and weight, they really make a difference. Not only for warped records but it really quiets the background, minimalizes surface noise. I am an extremely happy ScoutMaster owner.
I jumped from the Scout with the periphery ring straight to the Super ScoutMaster, and the difference is rather huge, particularly through the very revealing ZYX cartridges and phono stage. If you like vinyl now, you're going to want to upgrade over and over again, so it's always good to think a few steps ahead when making decisions. Like a game of chess, only much more expensive.....
>>02-28-07: Jaybo
by the time you pay for a vpi scoutmaster, you have lots of table/arm combos which will probably better it.<<

Agree, but substitute "definitely" for "probably".
Much better PRAT and deeper bass. Blacker backgrounds. However if you're on a budget, I recommend allocating the difference between the Scout and Scoutmaster on the best cartridge, phono stage and isolation platform you can afford.Down the road you can keep the latter three items and swap in a better deck. BTW- When I owned a Scoutmaster, I used a Lyra Helikon cart and Ear 834p phono preamp. Interconnects were cardas golden ref. Awesome combo.