Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1?

In my quest for a new cartridge I seem to be narrowing my choice down to a Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1. I have not been able to hear either of these so I am looking for any insight anyone can provide. I will be using the cartridge on a VPI TNT IV with an Eminent Technology 2.4 tone arm with the high pressure manifold. I am running dual mono with two Krell KPA Phono preamps. Thank you for any input.
Krc, I will "ditto" Slipknot1's comments on the Magic Diamond cartridge and also reference an answer I posted to another thread on the Magic Diamond a few nights ago and another from about a year ago, fwiw. These earlier comments continue to hold true for me. One additional consideration is arm synergy, as Piedpiper mentions. Both Slipknot1 and I use the Magic Diamond on the Walker Audio turntable with it's linear air bearing arm. You *may* find a similar synergy on the linear air bearing Eminent Technology arm.

The only person I know who may have listened to both the Magic Diamond and the Airtight PC1 in the same system is Lloyd Walker. I know he had an Airtight PC1, but I don't know if he ever mounted it for an evaluation. Lloyd's very approachable and he'll tell you exactly what he hears, bad or good. I encourage you to call him for a chat.

Good luck in your search, and let us know what you do!
Slipknot- I thought this might be a good time to tell how I ripped the cantilever off my benz micro glider. In an attempt to deal with the inexplicable absence of a dustcover on a multi-kilobuck tt, I laid a cloth over the tt. During each seesion I lifted it off the tt. One day I lifted the cloth and heard this disturbing suction sound. My worse fears were confirmed when I noticed the entire cantilever was gone. Never to be seen again
Sorry to hear that. Mine was the classic catch the cuff of your shirt on it while adjusting the belt. I watched it in slow motion as it tore off, tumbled through the air and dropped down onto the platter. I'm going to keep it in a little glass bottle near the table as a gentle reminder.
Though the PC-1 is getting some good press,the Transfiguration Orpheus just got a RAVE review in Hi Fi News,FWIW!My friend has it,and I have heard it enough times,now,to know it CLEARLY trounces the Tempers,which I happen to own(sorry Neil -:)!I have heard the Magic Diamond,and it was quite good.I heard it with my "own" Decca LP's,and it really brought out what I like about those irreplaceable recordings.
I am just a bit sceptical as to the PC-1,as the company has not released any previous models(I think),and suddenly almost all the mainstream reviewers(even those in Great Britain)are listing it as a reference."THAT GOOD",first time out of the blocks,usually states...1-New breakthrough design,or...2-Something relating to reviewer perks!
I hope it is #1!!I,too,am looking "hard" at both the Orpheus,as well as the PC-1!
Best of luck!!
Perhaps it's worth noting that both carts in question are distributed by Axiss. With that in mind I talked with Jaime, their analogue specialist today as I am also interested in upgrading my reference cartridge as well as selling them. He said that although he hadn't done a controled comparison, his sense was that the Magic Diamond was perhaps a bit more detailed with a little more extension and that the Airtight was possibly more "musical". Wayne Garcia characterized teh Magic Diamond as being unflappably refined but not as gutsy as the coarser Shelter 90x he was comparing it to, also distributed by Axiss.