Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1?

In my quest for a new cartridge I seem to be narrowing my choice down to a Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1. I have not been able to hear either of these so I am looking for any insight anyone can provide. I will be using the cartridge on a VPI TNT IV with an Eminent Technology 2.4 tone arm with the high pressure manifold. I am running dual mono with two Krell KPA Phono preamps. Thank you for any input.
Dear Slipknotl: It was my impression too about a relation between the Magic and the 103. Good that you put some " light " about " ( I could not find nothing in the website that named Terzilaw ).

Now, the important subject is that the Magic Diamond is a great top performer and this is all about. It does not sounds in any way like a 103.

Regards and enjoy the music.
OK Nsgarch - I'll bite: What is a Tondose?

The Virus cart's underside is a bilious green color, just as the MD Blue's is blue. So- I guess it's "virus green" Kind of like the van den Hul "Frog"....
Slip. I admit I don't know what the word "Tondose" actually means, however there is/was and EMT tonearm called the "Tondose" that accepted an integral cartridge/headshell with a different pin layout than the SME, etc. Apparently Micromagic makes a unit for that tonearm which you can see at the bottom of this page:

In Germany, cartridges are even sometimes called “Tondose”. So the Germans know by experience that a cartridge body makes its own “Ton” or sound. (from vdH website)
OK, I get it. Seeing as though the Ortofon SPU is an integral Headshell/Cart combination, I guess it makes sense that Mr. Andreoli would have christened his with that moniker...
I made the mistake of listening to Mr Andreoli's "Silver Spirit" cartridge at Lloyd Walker's house. (It's the the "big brother" to his Magic Diamond cartridge.) I'm ruined. As much as I like my Magic Diamond, the Silver Spirit is even better. Too bad I can't afford it at U.S. retail prices. Such is life in this crazy hobby of ours... :-)
