Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1?

In my quest for a new cartridge I seem to be narrowing my choice down to a Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1. I have not been able to hear either of these so I am looking for any insight anyone can provide. I will be using the cartridge on a VPI TNT IV with an Eminent Technology 2.4 tone arm with the high pressure manifold. I am running dual mono with two Krell KPA Phono preamps. Thank you for any input.
That in and of itself, does not mean that the MD is a modified Denon. Many carts use the same type of stylus configuration and canteliever materials. When you refer to the Magic Diamond's "conical" stylus, I am assuming you mean "spherical"- as that is the actual shape of the stylus.
Slipknot,I cannot thank you enough for the post from Pos Feedback,re:the letter.
Absolutely great stuff!!
BTW,it seems clear that these Magic Diamond products are WAY under the radar,and seeminly intentional!Low volume sales usually means attention to detail.I'm always willing to learn,and surely have done so here,in gaining more perspective.This does not mean that we run out and buy the product,but we can ALWAYS add to our "little inner computer memory"(mine is small),and call on the data at some point down the road.Buying decisions should take many factors into consideration, and at least with me thay certainly do.
Thanks sirspeedy! The Magic Diamond was not on my radar until I heard it mated with the Walker Proscenium Gold Signature turntable. It's no understatement when I say it was an ear opening experience. It was at that moment I decided that I had to have the Walker TT, and I never even thought twice about considering another choice in cartridges to go with it. I am very lucky that the synergy of that TT/cart combination also was a good fit for my phono stage.
Does anyone know the output voltage of the Magic Diamond?

I have heard 0.25mV, 0.3mV, 0.35mV, and slipknot1's system lists it at 0.6mV (

Thank you! I'm not as concerned with the difference between 0.25 & 0.35... but I am shocked if it could be as high as 0.6mV.

(I am a prospective buyer.)
I think slipknot must have a typo in his description. The Magic Diamond is a medium output cartridge and, as I recall from speaking with Lloyd, the output voltage is about 0.36mV.