Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1?

In my quest for a new cartridge I seem to be narrowing my choice down to a Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1. I have not been able to hear either of these so I am looking for any insight anyone can provide. I will be using the cartridge on a VPI TNT IV with an Eminent Technology 2.4 tone arm with the high pressure manifold. I am running dual mono with two Krell KPA Phono preamps. Thank you for any input.

That small bit of fudge factor is trivial. The 103 can play over it's 2.5vtf; the suspension is tuff enough to take it. And the 42ohms? Close enough as many of us know.

To make some overhead in this field is common. To charge what looks like $5 all the way to 30K?!?! shame shame shame. It is the most egregious case of this kind of sham.

And what about the customer? What of him? I am sure he will defend his embarassment to the end.

He may just want this whole thing to blow away. Don't you feel a responsibility to keep the issue afloat?

I don't hear any of the other posters chiming in anymore in defense either.

ps: Raul did not like the 103 but loves the MD. Does that not invalidate the cat, or what?

Dear Gadfly: I don't know for sure if the MD is a heavy modified 103 ( maybe it is ) but what I'm totally sure is that this MD has a very high quality performance that the 103 can't approach in any way: both are different and in a different quality grade level.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Interesting amount of hyperbole and hand wringing going on in this thread since I last looked at it. (Sorry, just haven't had the time recently.) As an owner of the Magic Diamond, and a big fan of what it delivers, my view is the same as Raul's. This is a superb cartridge, easily one of the top several currently available. I added it in my system after hearing it many times in Lloyd Walker's system. Raul has listened to this cartridge in Slipknot's system, as have I. Dave Robinson, Positive Feedback Online, keeps it in his reference system. If it is a modified 103, it performs at an entirely different level and it continues to be one of the most timrally accurate and most resolving cartridges I've listened to. If you can match what this cartridge does in some other way at a lower cost, my best wishes are with you.
