Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1?

In my quest for a new cartridge I seem to be narrowing my choice down to a Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1. I have not been able to hear either of these so I am looking for any insight anyone can provide. I will be using the cartridge on a VPI TNT IV with an Eminent Technology 2.4 tone arm with the high pressure manifold. I am running dual mono with two Krell KPA Phono preamps. Thank you for any input.
Dear Gadfly: I don't know for sure if the MD is a heavy modified 103 ( maybe it is ) but what I'm totally sure is that this MD has a very high quality performance that the 103 can't approach in any way: both are different and in a different quality grade level.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Interesting amount of hyperbole and hand wringing going on in this thread since I last looked at it. (Sorry, just haven't had the time recently.) As an owner of the Magic Diamond, and a big fan of what it delivers, my view is the same as Raul's. This is a superb cartridge, easily one of the top several currently available. I added it in my system after hearing it many times in Lloyd Walker's system. Raul has listened to this cartridge in Slipknot's system, as have I. Dave Robinson, Positive Feedback Online, keeps it in his reference system. If it is a modified 103, it performs at an entirely different level and it continues to be one of the most timrally accurate and most resolving cartridges I've listened to. If you can match what this cartridge does in some other way at a lower cost, my best wishes are with you.


I am preeety sure that the MD is a modded 103. I can tell you that a modded 103 is pure sweetness. So what you are saying is that it might be a 103 that is far superior to a 103?

Don't let the logic get in the way.

I am here to tell you pointedly that the modded 103 that you have heard via the MD is the same modded 103 that 'we' hear. I agree with you that it is far superior to other thousand dollar cartridges.

Of course if you were never able to recognize the value of the 103 previously then maybe you can't 'really' recognize it now sans it price tag. Which, for me at least, puts your evaluations in the sink.

Of course, I am an American and this may explain all for you. Alternately, I think I have you tagged now as well.


Mr Rushton: The brute point is that I or anyone can gain that sound and better at much lower cost. The reason is that the cartridge in question costs ~$150. A wood body is about ~$125.

I can do you better. I will get a SS retip soon for about ~$250 and it will be far far superior to the cartridge you now enjoy.

So for ~$550 my cartridge will actually beat your "MagicDiamond" and not just by a little bit.

Enjoy your cartridge. You paid enough for it.

Where is the 'hyperbole' and 'hand wringing'? All I see is a correction of previous hyperbole-for instance, calling into question the birth of the 'magic diamond' as a 150.00 cart as "rubbish", with no evidence to the contrary (except a huge price tag). But now, Rushton is apparently willing to accept that truth, but needs to use a third party's 'reference' setup as validation for his waste of money.

Now, that's what I call 'hyperbole'.