I've had quite a few of these tables - all ex. BBC broadcast studios. They usually come from there mounted on ply motor boards which I guess are well less than an inch thick. They clearly sat into a desk. In this guise they sound awful...feedback may not be a problem as I suppose that they do not have large volume sound in the broadcast room itself and that the DJs wear earphones.
My experience is that the heavier a plinth the better. Google 'Kinyata SP10" and you will find the ultimate plinth. But, provided you remove the feet, the Technics obsidian plinths are petter than many think they are.
My experience is that the heavier a plinth the better. Google 'Kinyata SP10" and you will find the ultimate plinth. But, provided you remove the feet, the Technics obsidian plinths are petter than many think they are.