Two of the main points I can't get around are:
(1) Whether or not a cartridge is a balanced or a floating single ended device. Floating single ended makes more sense to me.
(2) Since everyone more or less agrees that there isn't a 6dB noise advantage to running a cartridge in "balanced" mode, what might the advantages of running a cartridge in balanced mode be.
Hi Thom, since a cartridge is an inductive device, it has something in common with other inductive devices like audio transformers. Any output of an audio transformer can be used in the balanced mode, even if it is driven single-ended. All that is required is that neither side be at ground. Ground can be the chassis the transformer is on; in the case of a cartridge ground can be the tonearm/turntable.
BTW a 'floating single-ended' device will hum like the dickens. Single ended devices are always grounded.
I have a tube mixer I built that is single-ended for my keyboards and drives a single-ended output transformer that is designed for 600 ohms. The output of the transformer is tied to pin 2 and pin3 of the XLR; pin 1 is ground. It drives 600 ohm balanced lines effortlessly.
Cartridges work the same way. It may not have been the intention of a cartridge manufacturer to make a balanced source out of it, but that is in fact how they behave since neither side of the cartridge is 'grounded', i.e. tied to its metal body. In fact many cartridges don't have a metal body! So really the question is more like: how in the hell can this thing be single-ended?" When looked at that way, you suddenly see why there have to be special grounding considerations (ex.: the third grounding wire) that you would not normally expect to see on your typical single-ended output (like from a tuner).
One obvious advantage of operating a cartridge balanced is the interconnect cable itself, which is less likely to have the usual interconnect cable colorations and less propensity for hum/noise pickup. Although the *output* of the cartridge is going to be the same regardless of balanced or single-ended, there is in fact a noise advantage to the input amplifier, simply because it is differential and makes less noise than a single-ended input amplifier.
IOW there is little advantage insofar as the cartridge itself is concerned, but plenty of advantage from everything that you use with it: the cable and the preamp itself.