Elseb: dedicated circuits would be a great addition. But it is cost prohibitive for me. I live in a stone home built in the early 1930's. Tearing into the walls and running new lines would be far more expensive then purchasing a power regenerator. Plus, there is no way that my wife would go for it (she has been very understanding through this process, but that would set her over the edge).
Sherod: It is not just a power conditioner. I have used several power conditioners on my system which have not made a substantial improvement in limiting the noise when listening to vinyl. I needed a conditioner with an on-line uninterrupted power supply and an isolation transformer because my AC was so horrible. Unfortunately, these types of units are expensive.
Therefore, anyone with a problem similar to mine should borrow an APC UPS unit from a computer setup and place it in their system to determine if the AC is the cause of the noise and RFI in their system. In my opinion, it is the cheapest way to figure out if you should spend the $$ for an expensive power regenerator/uninterrupted power supply unit from PS Audio or APS or similar company.
For me, the most aggravating part of this hobby is trying to figure out what equipment will improve the sound of my system before I shell out the money. For the most part, if you have a nasty RFI problem, you essentially have to purchase and try everything that supposedly corrects the RFI noise to see if it actually works. I must have wasted hundreds of dollars (if not thousands) on pointless tweeks and conditioners before I stumbled on the real reason for my problem.