Basis Debut Mk v or Walker or Brinkman ?

I have a Basis Debut Mk v with Graham Phantom and was wondering if anyone has compared it to the walker or the brinkman balance.Is their major differences between these tables or are they subtle.
Dear Robert: I don't have experience with your tonearm but I have experience with the Koetsu Platinum series ( in my own system and in other great systems, with pivoted and linear tracking tonearms: all first rate ones. ).

I never heard ( anywhere ) a better sound from the Onyx Platinum that when was mated with the Ikeda tonearm and very close to this in the Dynavector with a medium weight headshell in my own system ( and this experience was not because my system is better than other ones, no it is not: it was because that cartridge mated in great way with those tonearms and not so well in other ones. ). I already heard your Jade in two different systems one with a pivoted tonearm and the other with a linear tracking, in both times the sound was very good but nothing close to what I heard to a very similar cartridge in the other two tonearms. A friend of mine ( Dan, an Agonner. ) that own the Jade with the Ikeda tonearm report/inform/speak to me that this combination is marvelous and he is extremely happy with that.

IMHO, this simple tonearm change could make a bigger difference in the quality sound reproduction that the TT change.

Now, I don't know for sure if the Walker could work with the Ikeda tonearm but yours, Brinckman and Kuzma can do it.

Regards and enjoy the music.
BTW,Raul...just curious,but,what cartridge is your personal favorite choice,as of today.I do remember you being extremely enthusiastic about the Allaerts MC-2 Finish,but you stated you were selling it.Are you enamored by a new design.Maybe the Formula One?PLEASE,no copouts,if possible!You must lean towards "one" or two "specific" designs.Very interested here,as I am now putting aside some money for a new design,possibly next summer.Obviously(due to trade in,and familiarity at a friend's)I am leaning towards the Orpheus,which is clearly better than my Temper-V,but not by a huge margin.
Also my phono section sports 75 db of clean gain.
Just curious!

Dear Sirspeedy: I'm still enthusiastic with my Allaerts MC2 Finish, if I will put on sale it is only because I need that money for other audio " toys ".

Along with the Allaerts the XV-1 and Colibri in the MC side and the Technics U205CMK4 and Audio Technica ATML 180 OCC in the MM side.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I have ordered a Walker Black Diamond table.I have been to Lloyds house which is about 80 miles from me and heard the table and was absolutely floored by it.It is a pleasure to use and the finest sound I have ever heard from a front end,I believe you can find a different sounding front end but none truer to the source.I did not believe analog had come so far.A true work of art,I cannot wait till it arrives.Will report after Lloyd sets it up and I have a chance to listen in my own system.