Basis Debut Mk v or Walker or Brinkman ?

I have a Basis Debut Mk v with Graham Phantom and was wondering if anyone has compared it to the walker or the brinkman balance.Is their major differences between these tables or are they subtle.
You may be doing yourself a disservice by not trying an alternative given an easy opportunity. I know Lloyd does not like the Bybee and Transparant products after having tried them. As you know, much of this is a matter of taste and system balance but when you get further and further into the upper eschelons of truly high resolution and neutrality, you zero in more and more on somewhat of an objective truthfullness that reveals more of the music.

I'm sure the Jade is glorious and that the Koetsu/Walker combo will be stunning. There is some concern nonetheless for optimisation of effective mass of arm and cartridge and stylus compliancy. Some knowledgable people think that an airbearing linear tracking arm does better with low mass high compliant cartridges. The Koetsus are neither. I know that Lloyd has ideas about how to compensate for this in the arm counterweight position and air pressure. Just curious whether this has been discussed.
I have the Walker and choose the Jade Platinum.

There are no problems whatsoever. Lloyd visited me recently and listened to my system. We experimented with tracking force and VTA and he said the sound was excellent.

In fact, rare for LLoyd, he had no suggestions for changes.
I talked to Lloyd about the Jade platinum and he said that one of his tables with the Jade platinum on it was some of the finest sound he ever heard out of his table.The transparent opus cable I belive is the finest cabling on the market today,what that has to do with the walker,I have no idea.The bybees are debatable,I believe they improve the sound of any system,some people don't.That,s what makes the world go round.
Hi,After living with the Walker for 3 months I have nothing but positive things to say about it.The first thing that strikes you after living with it for awhile is regardless of how bad the recording is or how loud or long you listen you never get listener fatigue,yet it is super detailed and transparent and just hangs the instruments in the air.Some kind of inherant distortion in turntables is removed that fatigues the listener,a real pleasure to use and works flawlessly.