Shuguang 845B vs Shuguang 845M

Just popped an 845B and I was thinking of doing the 845Ms. Anybody with first hand listening experience or reliable second hand experiences? Thanks in advance, warren :)
It's been a little over a year with my Definitions and, believe it or not, they continue to improve. The most fun and enjoyment I have ever had out of a pair of speakers since my Magnaplanar Tympani 1D days. Thanks for asking, Ken.
They are a superb speaker. I bought my Druids from a good friend who upgraded to the Defs..The Defs astounded me with their visceral dynamics and authority. I am really enjoying my Druids.I too find the Zu's the best thing since I heard my first pair of Apogee's way back when!

Be well,

That's funny, indeed. What's your other associated equipment? I use a Wadia 850 directly into the Carys. Additionally, I use DiMarzio M-Path and Super M-Path cabling (also warm sounding). I wonder if the difference could be that I run the CD player directly into the amps and don't use a preamp?

Jeff, I would guess that having an active preamp (in my case, CJ Premier 17LS2) in the system would indeed make the difference, I've tried eliminating the linestage at various times, always went back to one because the "direct" route sounded too threadbare to me. Obviously YMMV. Dave
How long does the 845B or 845M last? I was told they are not very reliable?
