External motor’s connection with the speed of my t

I have an Acoustic Solid Wood Classic Turntable with the external motor. I am finding that every time I play a record I have to adjust the distance that the motor is from the turntable because of the high speed the record is playing at. Is this typical of these types of tables? Could it be a defective motor? By the way, I do not have a speed box.
So we all think it is not a defective motor (sorry I'm new to T.T.'s)? Do any of you have to adjust the motor when you sit down for an evening of playing records? The motor i have does vibrate a little bit when in use. So the motor slipping might be a problem. The surface that the player is sitting on is not the best set up. I should invest in a base. Any ideas?

My set up is a follows:
Acoustic Solid Wood Classic
Blue point #2 needle
Rega RB 300 toe arm
HSR record clamp
Living Voice Record mat.
By "adjust the motor" do you mean physically nudging it to keep the belt taut? That's what Dan (and I) took from the wording of your original post.

If you have to do that every day it's not normal. Once my motor is set up right it stays that way for weeks, or until I bump it by mistake! ;-)

It's not unusual for a new drive string to stretch a little from use, but not every day.

A visibly or audibly vibrating motor is not good. I would ask other AS owners if theirs do that. If the table is new, I would report it immediately to the dealer and to AS. You should be covered by the AS warranty and the dealer may have their own refund/exchange policy. The latter may have a short time limit. Don't miss that window if there's any chance you'll need it.
just another idea, i use mapleshade isoblocks broke in half under my motor, three pieces, the rubber grabs the maple shelf for a good grip and also isolates very well, JMO