tubes and analog

I just "upgraded" from a Mac SS integrated to a Prima luna dialogue 2 tube amp. The reason that I changed amps was that i assumed that the tube amp would be a better match for my Zu Druid speakers. The amp change was a big improvment for listening through my CDP....but not so when listening to my Rega P9. I had to switch to my spare SS phono stage (Graham slee) to get it to sound right. I was using a tube phono (AES) with my Mac. In Short, my tube amp with SS phono stage is not really an upgrade from my Mac with Tube phono stage. My question is.....should i consider a further upgrade to a better tube phono pre or is it simply that a change from SS to Tube amp is more "pronounced" in digital playback?
I enjoyed the tube/ss debate being conducted by manufacturers I admire. However, I disdained the reliability attack hurled at a specific product. It was a cheap shot, in what was formerly a lively debate.

As a consumer, I find it unreasonable and irresponsible to air a product’s malfunction publicly; unless of course, all private efforts with the producer have failed to resolve the issue. I would have assumed that a neophyte manufacture trying to peddle his wares would be even more reticent to launch a reliability salvo at another manufacture’s product.

I’m sure none of the product purveyors in this thread intend to market anything but robust designs, and if the inevitable problem arises, they will stand behind their products and step up and resolve the issue.

Using a specific product malfunction as an argument against the technologies being discussed was inappropriate, made exponentially worse, when the reason for the failure was revealed.

Judging a specific product’s inherent design qualities by using a one-off occurrence of dubious derivation was unwarranted and unworthy of the tone of the discussion up to that point!

Was the veracity of one party less than the other’s? At the time not really! But honesty and accuracy are two different sides of the same coin.

The point remains that the coin should have never been thrown! Sure, one could argue that the coin was thrown to defend a design philosophy and was done in the heat of the moment etc. However, those are excuses for poor taste and for a quick finger on the submit button; both of which are antonymic to the thoughtfulness and the logic I would assume to exist in a designer and manufacturer of the product levels being discussed.
I heard people are starving, being murdered in the name of god and have no place to live. maybe we should move on


Listening to Marvin Gaye- Makes Me Wanna Holler
03-31-07: Groovey +++ I heard people are starving, being murdered in the name of god and have no place to live. maybe we should move on +++

You stay in south Philly?
I think it’s good to talk about equipment success or failure. I think a manufacturer should not release fault prone equipment, I have seen some. I don't like the idea of keeping secrets of issues and I believe ss vs. tube reliability are fair game as well as low level detail or linear response. It’s all part of the process of making the decision on which path to take. I prefer tubes so that I may dabble with them. I enjoy the sound of the equipment I have made. I think there is some great SS equipment on the market. I am sure there is shoddy SS and tube equipment out there also. I have also heard only good comments about the manufacturers partaking in this discussion. I would like to listen to all there equipment.
IMHO to be accurate is to be honest. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.