Drop in replacement for Rega RB300?

Are there any arms that can be dropped in to replace a Rega arm without the need for a new armboard? I am running a RB300 in a SOTA table and just curious of other makers of arms that can just drop in to my armboard........thanks
I asked a similar question on Audioasylum a while ago:

Rega arm drop-in replacement ??

A couple of arms that will work:

- Rega derivatives (Origin Live, Moth, etc.)
- Schroeder No.2 and DPS
- Bluenote U3, B5, Borghese
- Graham Robin
- Hadcock 228 and 242 (with a brass mounting collar??)
- Possibly Wilson Benesch Act 0.5
- Roksan Artemiz, Tabriz(Zi)

Not sure which arm will be a good match to the Sota. Also, it should be easy enough to change armboards, no?
Thanks Restock, yes it is easy I suppose to change board but to save money and effort I am trying to find options wich I dont need to do that, wich you provided and I thank you a bunch for the info.
I hope to get confirmation because on a couple of suggestions it appears it is a "maybe".
I hope to get confirmation because on a couple of
suggestions it appears it is a "maybe".

The Rega derivatives will of course work. Schroeder is o.k. as well. The Robin
has been designed as Rega drop-in, but is now discontinued. For the other ones
it would be nice to hear from someone who have tried this.

I have a table where it is not so easy to change therefore I am looking forward to
more suggestions as well ...
