Whats the best record cleaning fluid?

I have a VPI record cleaning machine I got on audiogon. I need to buy or make a recoed cleaning fluid. Any recommendations or sugestions will be welcome.
I have been told by a chemist that the reverse osmosis filter yields water as pure as distilled water.

That's quite far from truth. With good feed water a sinle stage RO will deliver a purity somewhere between 17 to 20 uSiemens. A two stage RO should bring that down around 8 to 10 uSiemens. Distilled water has a conductivity around 1 uSiemens.

Those results are with industrial RO systems, them 'under the sink' ROs will never get near theose figures.

Psychianimal, thanks. He seemed to suggest that they don't trust distilled water and do use RO systems for their water. I do have a two stage unit. I guess then the question becomes does it make any difference in cleaning records.
Try L'art du Son, it's expensive but sold contentrated so it will make over a gallon. It's biodegradable and is alcohol free, theres absolutley nothing in it that can harm you or your records. Check out the review here.
Where does one get commercial grade alcohol (is 91% at the pharmacy enough)?
Where does one get this 2 stage RO water from?