Whats the best record cleaning fluid?

I have a VPI record cleaning machine I got on audiogon. I need to buy or make a recoed cleaning fluid. Any recommendations or sugestions will be welcome.
Where does one get commercial grade alcohol (is 91% at the pharmacy enough)?
Where does one get this 2 stage RO water from?
Cytocycle, most would not use alcohol on their records. You can get purer alcohol but it attracts water on opening. By all means avoid rubbing alcohol. I think I found higher purity alcohol at a pharmacy. I imagine you can find two stage RO on the internet under google.
Tbg: I'm not cleaning 78's so Alcohol is fine... as I nearly passed out from my Clearaudio RCM cleaning solution which definitely had some alcohol in it... I can find RO on the internet but shipping costs.. I want to find it locally so I'm asking for what type of distributor I need to check for.
Isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol) is a drying agent.

It does very little vis a vis degreasing or cleaning plastic be it 91% or 99%.

The surfactant in a record cleaning fluid is what loosens the contaminants from the record not the alcohol.