Cytocycle : The difference is that enzymes you mention are non-living created in a lab and carry certian risks.
Bacteria create natural enzymes that break down the organics to a point they and the "food"(organic material) are actually digested , leaving nothing behind but water & Co2 -- Not bad.
Some european research audio-web sites alledge that micro-chains of "organic grease(s)" coupled to inorganics(factory & household dirts) make up the majority of what I term "gunk" that disrupts the LP playback by grunging the stylas. These bacteria consume molds - all types. This bacteria product was specifically invented to consume dangerious organics : It also insidentially consumes with great effectiveness those greases that grunge recordings.
The challenge to bringing the product to market have to do with process and time. Most audioers will not wait 30 minutes to clean a side regardless of the results , except die-hards (like me). Thats the challenge. Should we be able to reduce that time to minutes, you win and you will never return to the days of 'ol.
As for "simple green" I have used the product diluted down, on only LPs that are filthy dirty with soda or foods. Difficult to spray away but can be done. I have no scientific evidence that a green douse ages LPs but the product can leave a hard residue thats a *****.
Bacteria create natural enzymes that break down the organics to a point they and the "food"(organic material) are actually digested , leaving nothing behind but water & Co2 -- Not bad.
Some european research audio-web sites alledge that micro-chains of "organic grease(s)" coupled to inorganics(factory & household dirts) make up the majority of what I term "gunk" that disrupts the LP playback by grunging the stylas. These bacteria consume molds - all types. This bacteria product was specifically invented to consume dangerious organics : It also insidentially consumes with great effectiveness those greases that grunge recordings.
The challenge to bringing the product to market have to do with process and time. Most audioers will not wait 30 minutes to clean a side regardless of the results , except die-hards (like me). Thats the challenge. Should we be able to reduce that time to minutes, you win and you will never return to the days of 'ol.
As for "simple green" I have used the product diluted down, on only LPs that are filthy dirty with soda or foods. Difficult to spray away but can be done. I have no scientific evidence that a green douse ages LPs but the product can leave a hard residue thats a *****.