I echo Dougs comments about the Teres Bearings and would feel quite certain that what was once an issue with the bearings on some of the tables for a short period is no longer problem.
I just bought my 3rd Teres table and have had wonderful experiences all 3 times and no down time in 4 years. Chris took the first two tables back in trade and made the process dead simple and financially comfortable.
I have heard the Verus prototype run on my 360 and it out performed my 360 motor by a clear margin (I now have a Certus Direct Drive). The Verus will probably show a much greater level of improvement on tables with lighter platters and or lesser quality motors than those of my 360.
The fact that Chris allows a test drive and you dont have to leave your house to receive it (I seriously doubt that you will want to return it), makes this a pretty much of a no brainer for someone whose sonic goals and budget permits owning a Verus.
In short order, once the first flurry of Verus motors are in some customers hands, I suspect you will have some quite positive feedback that should make one feel quite comfortable demoing a Verus.
I am a bit confused with your post. Were you required to pay for the whole table in advance while you would wait for it ? In the past, Chris required a partial deposit and the waits were not in the order of 6 months.
Your question was to Doug, but I will tell you that Chris is a gentleman and a pleasure to work with.