Should I Brush My Cartridge After Each Use?

I use a Shure M97xE cartridge with the dynamic stabilizer brush down on the front. It seems that the brush picks up at least a little dust after almost every record. When it gets dusty, I use the supplied brush in front- and back-strokes across the stabilizer brush and stylus to get the dust off. Is it ok to do this after each side of a record? Will I do damage to the stylus or the cartridge?
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Don't worry-just play (and enjoy) records that are fairly clean. The good folks at Rega will even say that the stylus cleans the record for u. To a degree, I agree!

Clean your stylus with Linn-supplied green paper on occasion. It's slightly abrasive and easy to use.

So many of us are taking all the fun out of the vinyl experience.
I agree with Viridian about the primary importance of record cleaning, but there is more to stylus maintenance than that. Even "perfectly" clean records (ie, wet cleaned and vacuumed) leave a deposit of vinyl molecules on a stylus. This occurs during every play.

If these deposits aren't removed they continue to accumulate. (Grunge bonds with more grunge.) The heat and friction of the stylus/groove interface burnishes these deposits into a hardened layer that becomes progressively more difficult to remove. Clean tracking and sonic performance slowly but inexorably deteriorate until it becomes noticeable. At that point the cartridge owner thinks he needs a new stylus or cartridge. He doesn't. He needs to perform proper maintenance.

JCarr taught me this and it isn't theoretical. I've seen/heard/tested it on two dozen styli that I've rehabilitated for friends. They dry brushed after every side, but the buildup was thick and getting thicker, as was their sound. I have seen this buildup on (and removed it from) $100 Shures and $8,000 LOMC's.

Note to Heyitsmedusty: when brushing/cleaning a stylus, brush only from back-to-front (the direction the record groove travels beneath the stylus). Don't go the other way unless you have a very light touch. You could damage your cantilever or suspension.

For the best/cheapest/easiest-to-use stylus cleaner, do a search here or on VA for "Magic Eraser".

Sorry to A'gon regulars for sounding like a broken record. I know you've all heard this 100 times.

Playing vinyl is not fun, it is a chore. Listening to vinyl is ......

When I was a kid I used to use my finger to clean the needle. Good thing it was my father's stereo(!) Sorry Dad.

Anyway, I notice that when I clean the stylus after every play the records sound better, clearer with a lower noise floor. Actually, I clean the cantilever and underside of the cartridge body too. I have done so for over 25 years, and never had a problem with any of my cartridges. I used to use a brush, but now I use "KING of SPONge" (same as le magic eraser, but with smaller pores). KOS, available at dollar stores, comes in different sizes and I cut it into small wedges and use the end corners to clean the stylus and cantilever.