Two speakers are fine for mono. Long before stereo came along the very best systems had two speakers.
To play a mono record with a stereo cartridge it is necessary to eliminate its sensitivity to vertical groove modulation, which in the case of a mono recording is pure noise. This can be done with a jumper right at the cartridge, or a mono switch in the preamp.
Also, to play a mono record you ought to use a stylus with larger tip diameter. These are available for some stereo cartridges.
To play a mono record with a stereo cartridge it is necessary to eliminate its sensitivity to vertical groove modulation, which in the case of a mono recording is pure noise. This can be done with a jumper right at the cartridge, or a mono switch in the preamp.
Also, to play a mono record you ought to use a stylus with larger tip diameter. These are available for some stereo cartridges.