Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.

Yeah it may be better than digital. But come on. 3K+ for a cartridge. Cleaning machines. Preamps. VTA adjustments. noisy records. expensive software. By the time you get it all set up you are ready to just turn on the tv and watch Sportscenter. Is there any alternative?
Nilthepill thats how to live it, when out of town a must for me and the best wife in the world is to search out vinyl. right now i am playing a find from my last trip to Houston. CSNandY four way street. just cleaned and now playing a classic. its the music that counts
I dont know about you but I just love vinyl vs digital threads, they are even filosophical...
If you dont like vinyl you dont like music, or you are not a true music lover??...Let me tell you guys most of my hardcore music-lover friends have crappy systems: one friend is a music expert and music specialized journalist, he has interviewed personally any rockstar you can think off and even introduced me to Diana Krall, he also works at a big recording company and is in charge of the jazz section, last time I checked he has a Sony combo.
Another friend collects music on his I-pod, he does have a pair of DJ turntables hooked to a digital converter and mini-monitors, In the 80s he used to sell recorded tapes to our common friends, these tapes came with a special warranty: If the girl you have a date with doesnt melt with the tape and kisses you, you get your money back! He was never asked to return a cent!
So lets back off music lovers with crappy systems, sometimes they enjoy music more than us audiophiles who are sometimes more into toys and detail hunting than music itself!
Now is vinyl worth it?
I find myself listening to only a small amount of LPs that really sound good, I go check my smallish (in the 400s) collection and really have a hard time finding an LP to play, I go to used record stores and I see the LPs I wanted to buy 20 years ago and a bunch of beaten up copies of the ones I got already...that dont sound good. No havent come across any Ella Fitzgerald or any good used jazz LP yet...I guess I will have to start ordering new LPs from the internet!
Is it annoying, no it sounds really good and for me it is automatic, setting the LP on my tt and inmediately strech my arm for my D4 brush, clean LP with the left and the right is already holding the arm while the left hand cleans the brush against my shirt the right hand is setting the stylus directly on the LP, I find my hand more precise than the armlift, I can hit a song right on the groove 9 out of 10 times...
I agree that most music lovers probably dont have these kinds of systems, this is a hobby and the equipment research and sound production go hand in hand, it appears most all men are nerds just we all have different passions.
There are the Model Train nerds, Civil War buffs, Coin and Stamp nerds, Photography, aquarium, fishing, hunting,
even Harley riders are nerds about their bikes.....the list goes on and on because we are all better off if we have a passion and some vehicle for a reasonable dose of
Obsessive Compulsive behavior.
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Viridian...Some recent tests that I ran on my humble phono system (Shure v15mr) suggests that, to my surprise, some signal up to 35 KHz does actually exist on some records, (at a very low level) so I won't contest your suggestion that 45KHz is possible. The low end is, IMHO, the important difference relative to CD. For a CD there is no roll off the bass to limit groove modulation amplitude, or mix to mono to prevent stylus hopping, or feedback. And, my ears still work quite well down to 20 Hz, but are deaf (to sine waves anyway) over about 14KHz.

Regarding dynamic range, on my system the noise floor of a "silent" groove is about 80 dB down from the peak of a loudly recorded LP, and a similar test of a CD yields about 100dB. I admit that I didn't read your reference (web names that go on for two lines are a challange) but the ones that I have seen usually talk about listening to signal that is many dB BELOW the noise floor. Frankly I don't enjoy listening unless the quiet passages of music are well above the noise floor. A signal that lies well below a noise floor can be detected by computer processing and perhaps by ear, but I would not include that in a practical measurement of dynamic range.