Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.

Yeah it may be better than digital. But come on. 3K+ for a cartridge. Cleaning machines. Preamps. VTA adjustments. noisy records. expensive software. By the time you get it all set up you are ready to just turn on the tv and watch Sportscenter. Is there any alternative?

I don't question your observation but it begs the question why shouldn't a brand new CD play properly from the get go?

Did you try other CDR's - like the clear silver ones that look more like regular CD's ( at least superficially)
I found out what system (see my post above) the store I visited was . Here it is:

Technics SL1200 Turntable
Ortofon Pro S Cartridge w/ OM 30 Stylus
NAD 1155 Power Envelope
ADS L70 Speakers

No wonder. In the other thread, majority votes has said the Technics SL1200 is said to be good value TT.
Let's see now if I go with the Stax headphones and tube amp I can have a killer system. No vinyl. No room treatment. No cables. Think of the money I can save. No complaints form the neighbors.
I feel that vinyl simply produces more realistic sound...a feeling of immediacy. It's a "je ne sais quoi" tht makes vinyl sound more musical...something that one cannot evaluate in an A-B test.