Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.

Yeah it may be better than digital. But come on. 3K+ for a cartridge. Cleaning machines. Preamps. VTA adjustments. noisy records. expensive software. By the time you get it all set up you are ready to just turn on the tv and watch Sportscenter. Is there any alternative?
Viridian...Did you ever listen to that Test CD, I think it was put out by Stereophile, where Julian Hersh (SP?) reads an essay using various models of microphones? Anyone who has heard this recording can't possibly believe that A/D and D/A converters color sound more than mics.

Hxt1...If 80 percent of your LPs predate digital, you are the exceptional case which proves the rule.

And by the way, if you check my first post you will find that I merely pointed out that most of the music on LPs has been through the digital format.
Many of us vinyl spinners have been in the hi fi hobby for many years and had large album collections before the silver disc.Most have tried digital and many converted but many just run both formats and try to buy premium vinyl and use digital to warm up the system and play in the car.It looks in the near future that hi resolution downloading will be the next step in the digital chain and although I havent taken the plunge I have been researching a lynx sound card in a silent Pc.The fact that you can sample a track or two before buying and do it all from home with no waiting makes this perhaps a viable alternative.I see this as complementing my current system not replacing it.For me vinyl will never die, its way too much fun and the cds spend more time in the car anyway, a place where for sure they do a better job than an lp.
The fact that many of us make time to listen to vinyl, there must be some merit to it. I love my telarc discs, something about the bass I just don't get with vinyl. But of my three versions of Kind of blue, the classic records vinyl is best by a wide margin.. I've a/b'd for friends and everyone agrees, without exception, that the vinyl kills the sacd version. I use a Sony modded by Matt Anker (sacd mods). I am sure if I invested more in my digital rig I could get better sound. I am also sure that there will be a day when a digital format will be available that rivals or surpasses vinyl in every way. When that format is available at a reasonable price, count me in! By then I am sure I will be too old to be running to my tt every 15 minutes, adjusting cartridges etc!
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Viridian...Holt or Hirsh. What I remember is the astonishing differences between mics, all of which are well regarded models.