How many lps before you like it

Your favorite groups LPs how many have you had to go through before you found that magic one.
For me i love the Moody Blues i have bought quite a few. and still looking,
Blood Sweat and Tears i have three 360 columbia's that are real close and sound very good.
Beatles i give up i cant top my MFSL except for a great copy of Abby Road.
Elton john Tumbleweed Connection it took 5 and i have a copy thats very pleasing. and Mad Man Across the Water i have settled for a DCC copy so far after several US pressings.
Chicago Transit Authority i have a Columbia 360 thats OK still looking. Of coarse to many more to list.
Its a fact that one LP will sound better than another. one more of the things that make analog LP collecting and listening fun.
I would agree Stltrains, it is hard to learn which pressing is best. It is even harder to come upon an early (hot) stamper, but with perseverance it can be done.

No amount of system tweaks will replace an excellent pressing. (period)
Because the record is the source not the gear.

I have gone through fifteen or so copies of Van Morrison’s Band and the Street Choir album since 1970 before finding the one that is scary real. It happened to be a second pressing Canadian WB label. Good fortune.

Happy Listening!
Stltrains -

Glad you at least were entertained! A life's work is behind all that. :-)

The MoFi "Children" is indeed lifeless (good word choice). I was just trying to say that it's the best vinyl out there - at least in my experience. The two UK pressings I have owned and heard (original and repressing) were worse and the Japanese was almost unlistenable. If you have a UK pressing that is better then good for you - and what in the heck is it?!?

With regard to the Beatles - a very good alternative is the Blue Box set of the basic LP's that was released in the late 1970's. The earlier boxes had pressings that were excellent - better than other (earlier) repressings of the '60's LP's. There was/is a Black Box of the mono versions that is even better-sounding.
Both boxes are pretty available, and the blue/stereo box is pretty reasonable in price - more than the less-collected single LP's but FAR less expensive than obtaining original pressings in acceptable condition.

You could spend hundreds of hours on this, you know ...
Hey R_f_sayles at the recent 2007 New Orleans Jazz Festival. Van the man Morrison put on one super fine performance. We got almost one and a half hours of vintage Van. He was on my list of must having to see. a Great Show indeed.
Hlmiii my understanding is the 78 UK set is hit and miss on sound. i have a copy and my MFSL is better. but it aint bad thats for sure.
Hopping other audiogoners give us there pursuit of the best they can get LPs of there favorite performers.
Stltrains -
There are about three pressings/runs of the "78 UK set" if that is what you mean by what I referred to as the "Blue Box." There was the initial run of a few thousand. When EMI found out how popular it was even at the initially high price, the company produced at least two additional runs. (Which of course instantly devalued the high prices we over-anxious idiots paid the first time through :-( ) The subsequent pressings weren't as good overall for some reason.
Glad you like the MoFi product. They do sound excellent and are preferred by a lot of people, including hardcore Beatles collectors. My UK preference is based upon the fact that the MoFi pressings do not sound the same as the UK pressings. But they are a LOT quieter!
Hlmiii i am tring to learn about first pressing and what stamper was used, this looks to be a very tough subject to learn anything about.
Is there any way to tell which 78 set is which?
thanks Mike