rock mkv

just slammed mkv into my own system
installed graham phantom and koetsu onyx
musical bliss!
never before have i heard such a 3 dimensional sound allied to such musical power
never before have i had such naturalness... sublty,speed,dynamics,detail,PRAT,dynamic range,all rolled into one.
the mkV is truly a work of art both sonically and aesthetically.
had a turntable comparison with my friends lp12 keel ekos2
akiva in HIS SYSTEM
the end result is he feels the lp12 has to go!
compared to the rock it sounds 2 dimensional and very noisy!
anybody out there looking for a final deck should put the rock v on the audition list
but audition it at your own peril?
you will have to spend quadruple funds to better this deck
so my opinion is this
do you waste years trying to get results from lesser decks?
or do you buy a rock?
I don't know... I think I'll stick with my Michell Orbe SE with Wilson Benesch arm and Benz Ebony L. I performed a great fixed suspension mod on my Michell and it sounds fantastic... detail, dynamics, slam, musicality, soundstaging, you name it!

I'm presently waiting for a VTAF device from Pete Riggle Audio, which may improve it even more. I have to admit I'm pretty happy with this setup and I've heard a lot of analog setups.

Not impressed with the Linn either.


Yes, my RM30's have the 10" side-mounted Mega-woofers, as my wife doesn't want me to put separate subwoofers in the room. The woofers get down strong to the 30Hz range, and that seems to work well for most music.

I recently sent my NuForce Ref 9SE's back for the V2 rebuild, and I'm looking forward to their return around Wednesday. Meanwhile, I'll be listening to the Orbe in my upstairs system... I made a unique speaker system for that room by blending a pair of Silverline Preludes with a pair of the new Minuets sitting on top (tweeter down, bi-wired with the Prelude tweeter disconnected. It sounds better than either speaker alone. I call it my Silverline "Supertower."

Both speakers cross at the same frequency and slope and the Minuet tweeter sounds a bit more detailed and transparent than the Prelude tweeter, plus I get an extra mid-woofer to top off the resulting array...

Sorry for meandering off topic.

Best regards,
heard some good feedbacck regarding nu force 9s
siltrains swears by his and uses the same phonostage as myself
how are those ribbon tweeters?
at a guess i'd say your'e response will be FAST!
I used my rock today with and without the damping trougth
that trougth really dors work
the most noticeable attribute is better control of sibilance
thus making the human voice seem more natural and real.
pehaps you could optimise one to work with your orbe?