Suggestion for an entry-level turntable

I am in the market for an entry-level turntable within $1k. My current system is Krell 400xi int-amp with Spendor S5e speakers. I am running them through a Krell Standard SACD player.

Any suggestions for a turntable that fits my budget and meshes with my system will be greately appreciated.

thanks in advance
purchase a denon 500m with a nice 3 to 4 hundred dollar cartridge, and come in at less than your budget, and you're there. beats ALL the brit stuff up to 2 to 3k. amazing quality.
Has anybody done any side-by-side comparisons of the Denon D500M vs. the Technics SL 12x0 line? I'm curious as to whether they're pretty even or if the Denon has an edge for home use.
Go for a used VPI Scout many are sold at the price of 1k with cartridge, under that I would look for a used Rega,Sota,or even a used VPI HW-19 with a pt-6,7,9 arm which is very easy to setup.Some of the welltempered TT are fabulous deals used and very stable to run and sound excellent. Also look at many of the older direct drive models they have considerable value and sound excellent.