Suggestion for an entry-level turntable

I am in the market for an entry-level turntable within $1k. My current system is Krell 400xi int-amp with Spendor S5e speakers. I am running them through a Krell Standard SACD player.

Any suggestions for a turntable that fits my budget and meshes with my system will be greately appreciated.

thanks in advance
I would agree with VPI Scout or a SOTA, cant go wrong with either, the SOTA has a suspension so if you are not on a concrete floor or atleast a super immune shelf the VPI may not be ideal as it has no suspension and the SOTA will be fine.
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shelf stand whatever, I said it might be an issue if it is not very stable. Why does every single thread seem like a competition, somebody makes a suggestion then somebody cant wait to poke holes in it.
Posting here is like talking to a room full of drunks, everyone knows more then the next guy and nothing gets accomplished. It always turns into an arguement and the original post gets lost in the shuffle.
Although a Nottingham might be out of the price range, how does it compare to the above mentioned turntables?
I ask because I’m also considering a turntable but would consider spending more dollars on it.
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