I envy what you know, not what you have

A gonner for a few years, I've built a system that makes me happy.

The room, speakers, amps, a tollerant wife; what more can you ask?--- musical knowledge!

I've read postings, as we all have, from those on Audiogon who carry the most weight; their experience in both, music and gear, define their reputation.

I will mention a few in alphabetical order; I'm sure I will offend many since since I need to finish this thread before Sue comes in to say that supper is ready, It's 9 PM. early tonight!

Albert Porter, Clio, Dougdeacon, Rauliregas, Rushton, Sirspeedy, Audiophile, and many more, to hell with the alphabet -- I know I've missed many, I'm sorry.

This thread is both a statement and a question. How many of you have made a decision that improved your audio experience because of one of the many top flight Audiogonners' postings? Did you ever let them know you're happy that you capitalized on their knowledge and experience? Even if you did , now is the time to say thanks, I know I will!!


This site has provided a treasure trove of knowledge and good fun with commentary.

I have been able to make better buying decisions based on the advice of fellow enthusiasts and for that I am grateful.

I have also tried to help others when possible and where I have been able to provides much satisfaction .
Many knowledgable Audiogoners have helped...,but from me I would have to say that Robert at Ridge Street Audio "takes the cake" for me..Outstanding product,Great sense of humor,and willing to do what it takes to help! Wish I could remember everybody else......Plenty of other great people out there trying to help.....
Yes recenlty I sent an email to a much more experienced Audiogon member to thank him for his positive words about my cdp which he also owns. His words caused me to keep the player and now I realize that selling it would have been a mistake.
Many have helped and many have been thanked, sometimes I feel the elites here dont pay too much attention to us who struggle to have what we do, you never see much encourgement or even acknowledgment from the heavy hitters tho most get respect from the lower masses. By far the 2 most helpful are TafkaSteve and John Routan from Audio Connection in NJ.
I talk to many here via email and phone so those folks know my respect and appreciation runs deep and for the others including Tvad, Kftool, Shadrone, Audiophiel, Ozzy, Tarasound, and many others are a wealth of knowledge even if I troll the post's without participation... I am still learning from many here.