TW Acoustic Raven owners


I recently got my Raven AC, and I already love my new turntable. It is definitly the greatest piece of audio gear I have owned or heard so far. Lately I've seen the Raven has popped up in a lot of threads on this forum, so I thought it was time to start a dedicated thread to share experiences with the TT.

My system is: TW Raven AC/Hadcock 242 SE arm/Empire EDR.9 cart/Whest Audio Ltd PS.20 + MSU.20 phono. I will soon get a Phantom arm which I will use with a Transfiguration Temper V cartridge.

When I mounted the Hadcock/EDR.9 on the Raven AC, I was not really expecting a lot, since both the arm and cartidge are very cheap. Well, I was wrong, and once and for all understood the importance of a good deck. The music flowed from a rock solid foundation and just nailed me to the listening chair. The soundstage is very deep and wide with delicate layering. The music is seamless and totally effortless. But what impresses me most is the ability the Raven has to draw me into the music and show me the heart and soul of the performer. Just beautiful.
I can't imagine how it will sound with the Phantom/Temper in place, but I suppose it will be another step up:-)

What are you're experiences with the Raven, and what arms/carts do you use?

Theo, Copenhagen
Hi guys. Problem solved after emailed from Thomas. It seems that Thomas is not aware of the problem and he immediately emailed me on learning about my small problem. The problem is due to the pulley rubbing on the motor case resulting in the screeching problem. All I did is to lift the pulley very slight and tighten the screw on the pulley with an allen key so that it doesnt touch the motor case. Now back to vinyl music.
Hi Jeff, Dgad tq for your concern. Now will wait for the chip replacement to hear the difference.
Happy listening
Hi Guys. Communicated with Thomas.Seems dealer didnt alert him to the problem. Now problem solved. The pulley of the motor was rubbing against the casing of the motor resulting in a screeching sound. All I need to do is to tighten the tiny screw in the pulley so that it doesnt sit on the casing of the motor. Now I can enjoy my music.
Dgad and Thomas. Wouldnt it be nice if all owners are like Thomas? Attentive and fast in handling issues? tq
Hi guys, this is my 3rd attempt at posting a response to my minor problem. After communicating with Thomas who mentioned that he did not receive an complain abt my problem, I realised the screeching sound is due to the pulley rubbing again the motor casing. All I did was to lift the pulley slightly up and tighten a screw on the pulley with a allen key and viola, I m back in business listening to this pleasurable turntable
Jeff and Dgad, tq for your concern. Everything is back in order. Happy listening everybody
I am also considering the TW Raven AC and thought this would be a good place to ask this question. I am going from a Basis
2500/Vector 3 and obviously am looking for an upgrade as we
all are when we open our pocketbooks.

The first table in the 10-13K price range that came to my mind
mind was the Brinkman Balance. Just wondering if any owners
of the Raven considered the Brinkman as well. Anyone with
other top caliber tables such as Teres or Galibier , please chime in here as well.
You are talking about swapping chip !!.. ......I would like to have a question about the chip.

I received Raven AC around Jun 15, 2007 (couple months ago). Does my Raven AC has an update chip in it ? or How do I know what chip in my Raven AC ? Thanks a lot.