What's the limit for cart upgrade/VPI Scout?

Been looking at archived threads, and don't see this particular question, so here goes- what's the limit of how good a cartridge you can put on the VPI Scout? Currently using a Lyra Dorian, which sounds great, but I can't help wondering what would happen if say, a Titan i or other high-end cart were to be used? Anyone tried it? Silly question, I know, but is one better off investing in more in the way of a table, or in a cartridge? Sorry, had to ask. Thanks, Dan
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This topic has been discussed (in general) many times. As a rule, the optimal upgrade order for a vinyl playback chain is: table and phono stage first, tonearm second, cartridge a more distant third. Doing things in this order will typically give you the most bang for your buck.

You'd certainly hear an improvement (or at least a difference!) if you mounted a Titan i or other megabuck cartridge on your Scout, but you wouldn't hear all it's capable of. This probably wouldn't be the most productive use of your audio budget.

The Scout benefits mightily from improvements that address motor noise and speed stability issues. Don't take my word for it, ask Harry Weisfeld. It's why VPI offers significant upgrades for these areas. (SAMA, outboard controllers, etc.) The sonic benefits of these and similar devices is agreed on by every user who's tried them.

In short, I'd put my money toward a better performing table and a more resolving tonearm before buying a $4K+ cartridge. I'm not familiar with your phono stage, but I'd also want to be sure it's up to snuff before moving into high dollar cartridges.
Thanks, Doug for your kind reply. You told me essentially what I expected to hear. I am getting really good performance out of this set-up now, by the way, after placing a Brightstar Audio BigRock under the table, and spring suspension under that, as recommended by DGarretson in a previous thread. Very effective at de-coupling the table-platform from the rest of the world. I guess that's what prompted my question. Thanks again, Dan
Hi Dan

Dan, this is not a response to your inquiry, however, I have a VPI Scout and I am toying with the idea of upgrading to a new cartridge. I have a list of three cartridges that I am truly interested in and the Lyra Dorian, is one of those. My question to you is: what are your thoughts an this cartridge in the VPI Scout? Pros or cons I would be interested in hearing what you have to say.

I currently have a Grado 'Sonota' installed, and while it does the job, with no major quirks, I previously had a ClearAudio that I really liked a lot, so I have never been really satisfied with the Grado.

Thank you in advance for any input that you can shed on this topic.


Arnold E. Watkins