Recommended first turntable?

I'm in need of a turntable! I've never owned one and don't have a very large record collection yet, so I'm not keen on spending more than say...$250. The turntables that people recommend to me (ie Rega, Thorens, Ariston) all seem very pricy in the used market.

For those of you who helped with my amp search, I finally got a Parasound HCA-1000A and its matching pre-amp, the P/HP-850.

makes sense to me. I can only guess where you're coming from 'till you spell it out. Just remember, a $400 table/arm with a $40 cartridge will give you better sound than a $300 table with a $140 cartridge, assuming the components are well chosen. Enjoy!
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Tvad, what about the TD 180, is it good? Also, how does a used Thorens compare with a new Rega P1? Finally, how can I be sure that a used turntable is in good condition? I had no problems buying my amp used, but what about a turntable? Thanks, and sorry to ask so many questions.