Best head amp of the market ?


In your opinion what are the best pre pre amplifier of the market ?
If the machine may adapt itself to a large scale of cartridges please mention it . On the fly settings are welcome , prices also ...
Does it match with a Jadis JP 80 MM ?

Thanks .
Klyne used to make one was it the SK 2A?? If you can find, the Classe NIL is an excellent sounding unit too. That's if you want to go active. There are also lots of good sounding Step up transformers if you don't mind the passive route.
FYI, Hagtech's Piccolo is his own make and although I haven't tried it I would guess it is his usual excellent value, sold direct only. In his own words, he prefers step up transformers to active stages despite his own product. Raul here is adamant about the evils of SUTs. different strokes.

BTW, I forgot to mention above that there are at least two standards for measuring output of cartridges that can confuse your calculations by about 30%. The operative is voltage@5cm/sec or 3.54cm/sec.
The ZYX Artisan is, I think a complete phono stage (gain plus RIAA equalization). They do have a pre-pre or headamp (which I own) called a CCP-1 or something like that. It is quite good with my ZYX cart feeding the MM phono input of my VAC Ren Mk2 pre.

Thanks for all your responses . I have to see now what is available here in Europe .
