I think I know what Raul means,and have to agree with his assertion.Even when A/B'ing some pricey phono cables,in my friend's set-up, required my re-voicing his arm/cartridge parameters.Especially the bearing fluid in his Graham.Why?Probably had something to do with internal resonances,or better delineation,from the cable,requiring a slight change!What can I say?It seems to make sense,that "voicing" a system,requires "really" knowing "it",and what you hope to gain from component changes."Not" getting something new,and hoping for the best!It's a never ending process,or at least a continuing one,'til you run out of money.Or get divorced!-:)
As for Mikey....I'm beginning to think if I were him,I'd be sorry(by now)that I ever took the time to post,on this forum!It's almost like one has to walk on egg shells,when making some claims.Fearing you may have to defend some comment,not necessarily meant the way it came out.I've been there alot,but the nasty responses to me,were often well deserved.-:)