Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH

Anyone read Fremer's review of the Grand Prix Monaco in the latest Stereophile?

Ouch that has to hurt. I am familar with the design of this table, and of course on paper it seems groundbreaking, but if I were in the market for a $20K table, (I'm not) this review would completely kill my interest in this seemingly stellar product.

Any other opinions?

(actually this is a great issue of Stereophile - lots of gear I am intersted in)
I think Mikey does a very good job at reviewing, as he is consistent in his listening approach and generally has more than one arm / cartridge combination to makes his assessment on its sound.
As long as you understand Mikey's musical tastes and tonal/sonic preferences you can get a pretty good idea of what an item sounds like.
No - that does not preclude listening to it yourself, however it is nigh impossible to listen to everything.

Take his review on the Einstein phono pre amp - it is pretty much spot on. I have it at home on demo and it is extremely dynamic, pure and transparent. It has the BEST bass drive I have ever heard. However it can sound a little forward and uncompromising on top. pretty much what Mikey said.

I was thinking about the Monaco, but its inherent sonic signature is enough for me not to pursue a lot of time in trying to have a listen to it. I prefer a more euphonic on top, but still dynamic view of preceedings.

I think Mikey has more than done enough for us audiophiles. We can look at our own listening preferences and use Mikey's view's to allow us to at least narrow down potential opportunities and have a listen for ourselves..

happy listening
Dear Lewm: I'm not saying that MF does not heard what he say, certainly he did.

What I'm saying ( please read again carefully what I posted )is that if any one is comparing/testing two different TT's surrounded for the same around analog rig: tonearm/cartridge/cables/phonolinepreamp, etc etc, we must try to make an individual set-up to achieve the best performance on both TT's: VTA/SRA/VTF/load impedance, due to their different " colorations/distortions " ( like you say: " I suggest that one is always trading one set of distortions for another " ). Maybe one specific load impedance value makes synergy with the " colorations/distortions " of one unit but the same load impedance value could not make the same synergy with the other TT and this could happen too for the other parameters: VTA/VTF/etc,, that's why is mandatory to make a precise individual TT set-up taking in count any single parameter that can/could affect the quality sound individual TT performance.
We have to compare apples with apples, this means: the best performance of both TT's and from here decide about.
For what I read elsewhere the Monaco set-up was far away from ideal and is unfair to judge it or make any valuation on that un-friendly environment.
Like I told you I don't care about the Monaco but if I was its designer I would like that any review/test/comparison take place in the same performance level ( set up ) conditions. Yes, IMHO MF had to tweaked the whole Monaco set-up and ( for what I read and for what he already say ) he did not: I wonder why????????, totally unfair: the Monaco and more important the Stereophile readers don't deserve that in any professional product review, well at least this is what I think about.

Take a look for the MF's " force " ( brutal force ) he has: in this thread Downunder ( and I can assure that other people too. ) already post +++" I was thinking about the Monaco, but its inherent sonic signature is enough for me not to pursue a lot of time in trying to have a listen to it. I prefer a more euphonic on top ... " ++++, because MF opinion, WOW!!!!!

Lewm, MF has a great great responsability in its hands ( like no one in the analog domain. ) and that's why I think he has to be more carefully about.

Regards and enjoy the music.

Your comments re myself and others " MF has a great great responsability in its hands ( like no one in the analog domain. ) and that's why I think he has to be more carefully about"

I respectfully disagree. YOu don't need to agree with the final outcome of what MF says, however if you understand his listening biases and comparison reference points his a valuble and consistent help to us vinylphiles.

For me to try and listen to a Monaco TT would be VERY difficult from here in Australia, and going on MF's review and his consistency and professionalism in reviewing products over the years I will not actively chase my tail in trying to hear the Monaco.
Hopefully one day I will to see if MF's view is accurate when putting my listening biases to work.

Unfortunately no one can listen to all TT's, so you need to either be lucky enough to be able to listen or take some advise from professional reviewers.

Who else would you out of any reviewer believe more the Mikey??.
J Valin or W Garcia - Valin is a joke and both give you no frame of reference to what they are listening and how it compares to other TT's. R Gregory is OK, however he spends too much time trying to think up better and smarter metaphor's - and beside anyone that has an entire loom of Valhalla must have some high frequencies missing.

Mikey Fremer - keep up the good work. ps, when are you going to review the Walker TT or does J Valin have to return his permanent loaner first :-)
So, as we all know, the only way to truly have an independent credible opinion on a piece of gear would have been for a shootout type comparison, where Mr Fremer would be one of several experts giving his opinion. And you know all of the detailed setup. Until that happens there's NO knowing what something really sounds like, and the review is a reflection of his personal ears, system and interests. Unbelievable how so many audiophiles are so naive...

So the truth is somewhere inbetween Robinson and Fremer's opinion. I'm glad I have a system that brings out what Mr Robinson hears. I feel sorry for Mr Fremer, as the second time this year he's reviewed something extraordinarily good vs his personal reference but is unable - or unwilling - to say so wholehartedly. So much for his personal choices, I'm gladly not relying on Mr Fremers ears to buy my system components.

I do find one thing disturbing. That when taking a step back on his whole GPM review and ensuing discussion here, it seems to me that Mr Fremer does not like Mr Lloyd and his endeavors, shaking up audiphile establishement with forward thinking ideas and technologically advanced solutions. You know what eventually happens to those who cling onto established paradigms...they are left behind.

We need more of the Lloyds in our audiophile world and less Fremers. And to those that are put off by Fremers review I would suggest to buy the Caliburn, I heard its a great table, maybe if you ask you can get the same price as Mr wouldn't that be nice!
I subscribe to Stereophile, but generally find it useless in making buying or even auditioning decisions. Most issues go to the recycle bin the same day that they are received; however, without fail, the first thing that actually and always gets read is MF's Vinyl Corner, followed by any reviews that he writes. You might ask why. The answer is probably not what you might think.

I do not think that MF always gets it right, nor do I always agree with his assessment of a particular product; however, I do believe that he loves analog with a true passion and that he gets exposed to more analog equipment and records than I will ever get the chance to hear, much less have in my home.

Based on owning and then trading a Goldmund Reference for a Rockport Sirius after hearing the Sirius in my home, I know how important it is to compare equipment side by side in the same environment and how hard it can be to admit that your preconceptions may be flawed until someone demonstrates something better. For whatever flaws MF may have, he is entertaining and does open a window for the rest of us into the big buck analog arena. Like any other reviewer, he has his own set of prejudices/musical priorities which color his judgments, but I belive that he tells it the way he hears it. Perhaps I am naive (lawyers like me generally are not), but I believe that for MF the Continuum represents the pinnacle of analog reproduction and maybe in his system it does. I have only heard it at shows, so reserve any final judgement.

A distant acquaintance who owns a company that makes a very expensive phonostage took one to MF's house to compare against the Boulder. Said phonostage is in the same price range as the Boulder and for many of us represents a more truthful choice. The acquaintance after a night of comparing the two admitted that in MF's system with his equipment, the Boulder was audibly better. He was at a loss to understand why as he had previously run the same comparison at a dealer's store. Again, this supports the notion that MF is a straight shooter and tells it the way he sees it.