Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH

Anyone read Fremer's review of the Grand Prix Monaco in the latest Stereophile?

Ouch that has to hurt. I am familar with the design of this table, and of course on paper it seems groundbreaking, but if I were in the market for a $20K table, (I'm not) this review would completely kill my interest in this seemingly stellar product.

Any other opinions?

(actually this is a great issue of Stereophile - lots of gear I am intersted in)
"accommodating price" you are in fact saying that you would not have purchased it at the customary price. Hence not buying into its value proposition."

I disagree. Mike, compares all products value to him at "accommodating" prices, hence they are all on the same playing field.

BTW, why are so many in this thread disrespectful referring to Mike as "Mikey", as you would a 10 year old? Are you trying to put him in his place?
Does anyone or Mike, remember a review Mike gave to a 20-30k turntable a year or so ago that he pretty much slammed?
I remember after reading that review thinking to myself that that company will be out of business in a year, as it was so brutal. At that time their was no public debate about that review. Why all this debate about the Monaco? Is it self interest?

FYI "Mikey" is Michael's well known moniker made famous to all here but you in the pages of Stereophile by its editor.

...and I agree completely with your assessment of Mtkhl567's remark. It is this slanted assumption of cynicism, only sometimes warranted and ususally not to the extent implied, that taints so many many posts here and wastes our precious time and energy. ...with all due respect to those who feel compelled to pass on their bitterness in this way.
I sincerely meant no disrespect for Michael Fremer in my calling him "Mikey" in a previous post. Pied Piper's assessment is right on the mark as well as Dlanselm's.
Dlanselm, no not every manufacturer provides an accommodating price to professional equipment reviewers. One of those is called Grand Prix Audio. It begs the question why a manufacturer would do that...other than get a favorable (re)view in return, certainly not out of charity. Why this review. Well, its MF controversial review details that sparked this debate, and fueled by same.

Lewn, you hit the nail on the head, MF view goes a long way in this industry, like Dlanselm says, may make or break companies. Not GPA though, too many other respected reviewers the world over with opposite opinion. MF and his controversial review stand alone in the professional reviewer world, why else do you think he on this thread in defense of his review? Especially the last 7 posts in a row should leave nobody in doubt about how things work in this business!

Keep spinning those records,