Vibration and Isolation at a budget?


Well, my system is nearly complete (for now), except for vibration isolation control.

I'm running a MMF-5>Slee Era Gold>Onix SP3.

Speakers: Onix Ref 1's and actually using a small musical x-sub right now (may or may not go away while comparing).

I'm in medical school, so budget is key. So, I"m wondering what some good tweaks are for this system. My speaker stands are solid and sand filled. My stand is a Salamander Archetype. The MM5-5 is a dual plinth with some vibration feet on it. I"m getting a cabinet builder to make me a 2" Maple Stand for the TT.

What else should I get? Are the vibrapods better than a maple stand? Anything for the Era Gold? Sub? The SP3 is on points right now, should these be placed in a vibrapod or something similar?

Thanks y'all!!
Also, interesting, I've noticed, by searching the forums, that some use bubble wrap under the isolation platforms. This is kind of cool to exepriment with, as at least the bubble wrap costs nothing.
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Tvad, I just scored a Pro-Ject GroundIt Deluxe platform at a pretty increadible deal! I am psyched to try it. It is still sealed in the box. I just picked it up. I may be interested in sorbotane. Supposedly the platform has coned feet, but I am pretty sure they're removable. I'll e-mail you as soon as I get to open the box and inspect what it is. Thanks man!