"Glue Cleaning" Your LP's

So here's something I heard about and am getting ready to try: "Glue Cleaning." Apparently if you put a thin film of glue on a record and let it dry for a few hours, the glue bonds to every tiny particle deep in the grooves and you can then peel off the entire glue sheet to remove everything it picked up.

It was recommended to use wood glue or Elmer's glue, spreading it with a foam applicator to keep it evenly distributed. I will of course be trying this only with records marked for "experimentation" (a.k.a. records I hate).

Has anyone heard of this technique? Does anyone have any first-hand experience with it?

Without having tried this myself yet (but I will), it should be totally safe for a couple of reasons:

1. Elmer's style white glue is water-based and water-soluble. If some of the glue sticks and is left behind, you don't have to chisel it out; you can dissolve it. DON'T use the yellow carpenter's glue, which is made to withstand water.

2. It is not easy to glue vinyl to other things. It generally requires a specially formulated vinyl cement (as for the patch kits for vinyl inflatables), and white glue certainly ain't that!

Probably 95% of my LP collection was purchased used, much of it from thrift stores and some from eBay. Mostly I've been pretty lucky, but there are some that definitely need some sort of deep cleaning. If this is effective enough, it may compel me to pick up some thrift shop LPs I've passed on because they were visibly dirty.

I can just see myself getting a big-ass roll of wax paper and a gallon jug of Elmer's.
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you will actually hear any recording without the use of a stereo using glue on vinyl.
It sure sounds like an interesting idea and yes I heard of it before.But one thing that comes to mind is that if you read the instructions on ANY glue product and Elmer's ,it says"make sure that surfaces to be glued are gree of dust,oil,contaminants and are dry e.t.c" so how do we know that all the dirt is glued on the Elmer's and NOT left behind or portion of it?Just because the glue peels off in one round sheet doesn't necessarily mean it takes particles of dust with it.
Just a thought guys!
I believe they want the dust and grease to be removed so that the glue will stick to the surface and not to the particles. Since that's our goal with records, then we're in the clear. That's how I interpret it anyway.