Hi Restock,
Boy, was that review ever a desaster...
The reviewer had the arm for a year(then spent a good week mounting and listening...), didn't read the manual before setting up the arm, lists it as having an eff. length of 315mm when in fact it had 286mm, misidentifies the armwand being made from ebony(it really was a Grenadillo armwand), NEVER called or contacted me despite my multiple invitations to do so(if he was to run into problem or requiring setup tips...), dropped the counterweight, bending the VTF finetuning adjustment screw(rendering it dysfunctional) and marred the centershaft so badly(changing the VTA wasn't possible when I got it back) that it took several hours to repolish/rehone the arm base.
I called and sent a letter asking for an explanation what had gone wrong, --- no reply as of yet.
Many of you guys are extremely cautious when it comes to relevance/truth content of reviews. Many times these reservations are unfounded, but more often than you'd think they're not. I didn't seek this review, they approached me. Should have known better...
I can realize any eff. length(within reason/without compromising structural integrity), typically 8,5" - 12".
Sorry for the rant, but imo the entire review isn't worth the paper it was printed on.
All the best,