Ground Hum

I need some suggestions eliminating ground hum from my VPI Scoutmaster.

Cart is a Shure V15Vmxr (or whatever it's called)
Tone arm is JMW9 with stock wiring
Preamp is Dynavector P75.

I have tried a few different cables ranging from monster cable to cheap stock audio cables you find with most electronics. Makes no difference. If I touch the tone arm wtih my finger, the hum gets louder. If I touch the gold connectors on the back of the turntable the hum goes away. Touching any other parts of the tonearm output block or the preamp causes hum to get louder. Any suggestions?

Okay, you might try removing the ground wires one by one and see if the hum inceases, decreases, or goes away. And reroute the under-turntable ground to the JMW9's main grounding point (between the output jacks). And did you check to see if the screw hole I mentioned is there or not? Dave
Since the ground is connected, make sure the headshell wires are fully connected and going to the correct pins.
Is the cartridge new? Has the hum alway's been there with this cartridge? Have you used the turntable/arm with a different cart. or the cart. with a different turntable?
Can't help wondering if the cart. has an open loop(defective). If so, no amount of grounding will make the hum go away. See if you can try a different cart. or this cart. in a different setup. If it was purchased thru a dealer have them check the cartridge out.
Let us know what happens.
I've been wanting to upgrade the cart anyway, so I will give that a go. I have tried different cables, Monster Cable to inexpensive standard audio cables, no effect. I'm leaning towards the cartridge. I've had the cart on a previous table before I got the Scoutmaster but I did buy it new just as the Shure V15 series ceased production.