How does the Technics SL 1200 compare with....

other belt drive tables with comparable price tags? Specifically, the Music Hall
MMF 5, and the Rega p3. For arguements sake, lets say these items are all going to be placed on a three inch thick block of oak with vibrapods, and also have comparable cartridges and preamps. I really want to make a foray into vinyl, but for the life of me I just can't decide on a player. Any help would be much appreciated.
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Being a Rega dealer and a DJ at a local radio station that uses the 1200 I did a quick but well controlled comparison and posted the results on an earlier thread that was removed for some reason. I used the latest P3/24 with its outboard power supply, with a barely broken in Rega Exact on both tables. I played them through my reference system. Unfortunately the record I used was punched out of round so speed stability issues were clouded. I would assume the Technics to have noticably superior speed stability. The Rega however was noticably more dynamic and transparant although a bit edgier on sibilance. The Technics was warm but muffled in comparison. Ideally I would have liked to have had more time to experiment though.
Addendum to my other reply:

Bear in mind that the new Rega P3/24 I used now sells for $845 and the outboard PS is an additional $345 totalling $1190 compared to the $550 for the 1200. Comparing the Rega P2 would be would be more apples to apples pricewise. Also, comparing the 1200 with the same Rega RB301 would have been interesting.

Bear in mind also that Although I am a Rega dealer, I also have access to the Technics tables, so no particular conflict of interest there.
I will go with the Rega any time over the Technics. The Technics is no way an audiophile TT if you are the discerning kind.
I have to totally disagree. The Technics 1200 in many ways better sounding than the rega P3. Ask many who had done comparisons and they will agree. I myself speak from first hand experience.

Pls remember, the 1200 is only a fraction of the price of a P3 and in many ways sound better.