Tri-Planar with no anti-skate?

On a hunch I removed the AS weight entirely from my new TP 7 (Merrill table & Ortofon Kont H cart).

The sound improved to an astounding degree: tons more body, much more solid imaging.

Certainly, I must not have had the anti-skate optimally adjusted, I am curious if others prefer it this way too.
None of the Triplanar owners that I know use any dampening fluid.

Scale?!? We don't need no stinking scale! :)
Good question SirSpeedy...
Doesn't setting antiskate, seperately from VTF, change the VTF value,necessitating an aditional re-check of VTF?
Certainly VTF and A/S are interactive, but IME adjusting A/S only occasionally alters VTF. The amount of lateral bias force we need is so tiny relative to downforce that this would be a case of the tail wagging the dog.

Consider this: if you applied enough downforce you could play almost any record with no A/S at all. It might sound like doo-doo but you'd have no mistracking. OTOH, no amount of A/S would let you play cleanly if VTF were insufficient.

For initial setup it helps to disengage A/S because it lets us find the cartridge's VTF mistracking point quickly, and that's the key to optimizing VTF. Once you've got VTF on the knife edge of perfection, a REALLY tough-to-track passage (piano stikes, big operatic solo, hard blown horn or sax) will demonstrate the need for A/S, since you're likely to get some R channel mistracking. (If you get mistracking on both channels you need more VTF, at least for that record.)

Ultimately you're right Mark, they do interact, but that's at the level of changing weather and changing LP's. For those willing to adjust every day or for every record they do have to optimized interactively. I did that the other night. A strong piano solo record needed more VTF and six O-rings on the A/S dogleg. Then a big cathedral organ record needed a hair less VTF but far less A/S, just two O-rings. Then a harpsichord record needed still less VTF and just one A/S O-ring. This interactivity is only for those willing to adjust for each LP. The differences are audible, but some would regard such frequent adjustment as insane. It lets us hear more of the music so we don't mind - but we're insane!

P.S. I should mention I've come around to your view on cartridge alignment. I leave A/S engaged at a typical value when aligning the cantilever on a protractor. It's likely the cantilever will adopt a similar angle during real play so that's how it should be aligned. Very belated thanks for that tip!


The TriPlanar's A/S dogleg does have visual markers, a ridge every few mm along the dogleg where you slide the weight. They're not numbered but you could count them if you wanted. Using O-rings to fine tune both VTF and A/S gives us repeatable visual references. For example: I know I need somewhere between 1 and 6 A/S O-rings for any record, depending on the record.


No damping fluid here either. Tried it. Hated it. Dumped it.

I've heard rumors that some insane owners have actually removed their damping fluid troughs altogether. I would never encourage such irresponsible behavior of course, even if it does reduce resonances and notably lower the noise floor!

Hmm Doug,I do feel a bit sorry for you!Since you change vtf parameters so often(and it IS legit,if one wants to extract the absolute max from lp's,but it's a bit nutsy,in the best possible way-:)you REALLY missed the boat with Air Tangent's auto/remote controlled linear arm going out of production.You should have jumped on one!!
I did mention this to you a while ago(I'm sure you remember),but this was an arm MADE for you!!Of course this is all "tongue in cheek".....but... what if?
Aside from absolutely the best performance anyone could ask an anolog device to deliver(I consider it the "best" audio "thing" ever invented,but it's only my opinion,and the previous owner's as well)and assuming you upgraded the standard pump,to the motor boat sized one my two friends got,it offers a digital "remote controlled" readout for any vta setting one could want!
My friend (not Sid,who had the el-cheapo 8500 dollar model)actually had listings on each LP jacket for the "exact" vta for a given disc.It worked like a charm,given the different thickness of various vinyl pressings and the other parameters involved.
It was dirt cheap too...ONLY 13,500 dollars!!You gotta seek one out,it was made for you!.....AND Paul...-:)
I'd have bought an Air Tangent, but it was so cheap it didn't even print out the VTA labels for each LP jacket! If I have to write them manually I might as well adjust them manually!

Yeah, we're nuts, but playing a harpsichord LP is still easier than playing the real thing. Real harpsichordists have to retune four octaves every time they turn on a lamp, because the room temperature changed! Compared with that, tweaking VTA/VTF/AntiSkate for each LP is child's play. :-)