Hall of Shame

What is the worst, most overpriced, hyped, bad-sounding audiophile gear out there. Your bets please.
I think Esmeralda has had the guts to write what lots of folks here really think and dare not say--although a bit more extreme than my own views on the subject. But, hey, folks, this is a hobby.

Personally, I advocate DBX evaluation but if that isn't your thing, then do it your way. If you are persuaded that you hear a difference when you elevate your cables on little truss bridges, then elevate away and let no one be the naysayer. We do this for fun, right?
I very much disagree with Bishopwill's 1st paragraph. I totally agree with everything that Maxgain stated. It doesn't take guts to give an opinion. What I think is not important. What is important is to find out for yourself what will satisfy YOU. I applaud you Maxgain for your guts and excellent post. BTW Maxgain, I wish I could spell as well as you.
But Brulee, that was my point exactly. Listen to what pleases YOU, using the equipment that pleases YOU, selected by the methods that satisfy YOU.

My first paragraph was occasioned by the many, many convos I've had over the years with ardent audiophiles who nonetheless, after sufficient liquid potation, acknowledged an absence of clothing from the emperor's tush....
People come here in need of advice, they may be new to this or just lack some small bit of experience. Others propose to be the protectors of the flock or the audio equivilant of the "morality police" to defend the sheep from the evil audio establishment who is bound and determined to rip them off. Those rotten dealers and criminal manufacturers. Yea right! The emperor has no clothes,eh? Bull#$@t! Oh yea, you who are of closed mind can sit there and say this crap, having no real experience or credibility. I for one was a retailer in the high end for more than ten years and am offended deeply by these assertions by kooks that the industry is just a bunch of snake oil salesmen that are out to fleece the unsuspecting public. There are some very bright and serious people out there who are innovators in this industry and dealers who care about their clientel, otherwise you would all be listening to shit made by milti-national corporations and sold by places like Wal-Mart who don't care about audiophiles and their sensitivities.Take the original Sony CD player for example.Talk about the emperor has no clothes, if it weren't for people like myself and a few others who stood up and cried foul when this junk was proclaimed to be "perfect sound",this is all you would have gotten. It is the small independent manufacturers and dealers who make this "hobby" possible. So when you make foolish claims or defend such claims, i.e. that all tube gear and all hi-end cables are only noteworthy enough to be in the"Hall of Shame" You are slandering the people who have made it possible to attain the level of musical reproduction that is possible today. You are attacking people like Bill Johnson of ARC,Bill Conrad and Lew Johnson, Ray Kimber,Bruce Brisson,.....these are people who have done something other than sit in a damn chat forum and dole out stupid and bad advice to the unsuspecting who come here to really learn how to get more enjoyment from their music. Again I will say that there many here that adress the questions and issues of the people asking for advice with good information based on experience. Unfortunatly there are those among us who should keep their uninformed oppinions to themselves!